What We Do
The Antarctican Society has close ties to national scientific programs, research scientists, modern explorers, writers, artists, travelers and others. We come together for social and informational exchanges in person and virtually. We also archive unique historical documents, video, audio, and other items, most of which we make available on our website. The Society is a source for:
Scanned slide from the Thomas Henderson collection, Cape Hallett, 1981
Quarterly Newsletter
Periodic Gatherings
Forums and Lectures
Archive of Historical Materials
International Antarctic News
Free Slide Scanning Service
Network of Antarcticans
Links to other Antarctic Organizations
Communication and Education
The Antarctican Society Newsletters contain a wealth of Antarctic history from the International Geophysical Year (1957-58) to the present; they are also an excellent source of information on members of the Byrd Antarctic Expeditions because of Ruth Siple’s devotion to many members of the Byrd expeditions who frequented her home. Special contributions from, and obituaries of, many famous Antarcticans are sprinkled throughout the pages. Of course, it continues to be a source for current information on Antarctic science and activities as well. To see the publicly-available archive of past newsletters CLICK HERE.
Our website is full of publicly-available Antarctic documentation found nowhere else in multiple forms of media; however, we also maintain a members-only website area with special services, special postings, and membership networking.
Social Media
The Society has an active Facebook account, www.facebook.com/antarcticansociety, with thousands of followers. We keep it up-to-date with current information and announcements.
Our Future
The Antarctican Society has a deep commitment to continuing to connect people, share information and stories, and educate. We would like to expand our membership services, broaden our forum and lecture opportunities, potentially establish a speakers bureau, work towards establishing educational outreach such as a scholarship fund, and undertake many more exciting ventures. We hope you’ll join us on the journey.