2024 Gathering in Boulder, Colorado

Come to Boulder, Colorado August 11-14, 2024!

****** NOTICE ******

The registrations for the 2024 Gathering have been beyond our expectations. We are now approaching the limits of our venue, the Grand Assembly Room in the Community House where our presentations will take place. The limits are set by the Fire Marshall so obviously we cannot risk exceeding them. Consequently, we are forced to restrict registrations to no more than 125. As of May 31, 2024, we have 121 registrants. While the cutoff will be 125, we will ask those interested in registering after that point to join a waiting list in case current registrants drop out. To get on the waiting list, contact Tom Henderson at webmaster@antarctican.org or by phone at 518-888-0387. The waiting list will be date-and-time stamped to insure that the earliest to join the list will be served first. We regret that we cannot expand registration and we hope that you understand.


Building on our success with the 2022 Gathering in Burlington, Vermont, we are headed west to Colorado Chautauqua in Boulder, Colorado. Chautauqua is a unique, historic venue that offers meeting rooms, lodging, dining and more in one place. The Gathering will be based at the Chautauqua Community House. The Society has reserved lodging rooms and cottages for our members at attractive seasonal rates. Come join us!


Sunday, August 11, 2024

This will be an informal travel day. Check-in for Colorado Chautauqua lodging starts at 4:00 p.m. The check-in office is in the Academic Hall near the Auditorium (see the Colorado Chautauqua map in the 2024 Gathering Planning Guide). There is temporary parking for check-in at the Academic Hall.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Gathering registration will begin in the Rocky Mountain Climbers Club (lower level of the Community House) at 8:30 a.m. This will be followed by welcoming comments and speaker presentations in the Grand Assembly Room (upper level of the Community House) both before and after a catered lunch.

There will be a reception in the evening in the Grand Assembly Room. The reception will be catered with hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday during the day will feature additional speaker presentations, a catered lunch and an auction of a variety of quality donated Antarctic-related items.

The 2022 Gathering silent and live auctions were a big hit. Donated books, music, art, memorabilia, artifacts, whiskey, and a week at the home of Antarctican Society legend Paul Dalrymple netted over $6,000. Might you have something you can donate to the 2024 Auction? We invite you to take a ramble through your Antarctica memorabilia and consider donating to benefit your Society. Or, perhaps, you would prefer to offer a service to fellow members. Possibilities include creating a picture book of digital images or creating a catalog of souvenir patches or making digital recording of selected text. You get the idea. How might you share your expertise with your fellow Antarctican Society members for the benefit of the Society? Send information on what you may like to donate as well as ideas, questions, and comments to 2024 Gathering Auction Committee Chair Diana Logan at antarctican.auction@gmail.com. To see a partial current list of 2024 auction items, click HERE. Thank you!

Tuesday evening will feature PechaKucha Antarctica. Past participants from the Antarctic Artists and Writers Program (AAWP) will present their Antarctic work in an evening of fast-paced, original presentations.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday will include a tour of the National Atmospheric Research Center (NCAR) near Boulder. The afternoon will be dedicated to socializing at our catered picnic on the Tree Plaza at NCAR. The tour and picnic will be covered by your registration fee. There will also be a short Board meeting at the picnic which all members are welcome to attend.


We now have a strong lineup of speakers for the Gathering, representing Antarctic science, history, logistics support, geopolitics, and arts. This is a preliminary list but all of the potential speakers have indicated a willingness to present. To see the preliminary list with biographies and photos, click HERE. Presentation titles will be provided once the speakers have confirmed.

Gathering Planning Guide

We have created a 2024 Gathering Planning Guide to assist registrants and prospective registrants in planning for travel, lodging, parking, navigation, dining, recreation and sightseeing. To download a copy of the Guide, CLICK HERE. If you have additional questions, please contact Tom Henderson at webmaster@antarctican.org

Gathering Registration

Full registration of $275.00 includes all organized events: two full days of the speakers program plus the reception, tour and picnic. Registration will increase to $300.00 after May 31, 2024. Registration refund policy: 50% from January 1, 2024 through May 31, 2024, no refund after June 1, 2024.

Guest registrations for the social events may be purchased for friends and family and includes the catered lunches, reception, tour and the picnic for $125.00. Guest registration does NOT include the speaker presentations on Monday and Tuesday.

Registration is a 3-step process. Please complete all three steps:

(1) Fill out the hard copy registration form HERE and mail it with a check to the address on the form,


Complete online registration payment and lodging payment using the dropdown boxes below. We strongly encourage you to review a visual guide to making your payments which can be found HERE. If you have problems or questions about registration, contact Tom Henderson at 518-888-0387 or at webmaster@antarctican.org

(2) When you finish paying for all registrations and lodging, please come back to this 2024 Gathering page and fill out the form below the “2024 Gathering Registration” box to provide us with information that we need about the people registering and any special needs the registrants have. When completed, be sure to click the “Submit” button at the end to record your form answers.

(3) If you do not reserve lodging at Chautauqua, skip this step. To reserve lodging at Chautauqua, either use the hard copy registration form (back side) or use the “2024 Gathering Lodging” drop-down box below. Please also fill out the form below the drop-down box. This provides us with the information that we need about the basic number of nights for which you are reserving Chautauqua lodging (3 or 4) and the number of extra “shoulder” nights you wish to reserve. When completed, be sure to click the “Submit” button at the end of the form to record your form answers.

2024 Gathering Registration

Note: In the form below, “(required)” means that a response is required for this item before the form is submitted.

Chautauqua Lodging

The Society has paid for 45 lodging units in Colorado Chautauqua for August 11, 12, and 13, 2024 with an option to potentially extend for the night of August 14 depending on availability. Lodging units range from studio and 1-bedroom units in the Columbine Lodge to studio,1-bedroom and 2-bedroom cottages. With several exceptions, each has either a full kitchen or kitchenette and a private bathroom. Each lodging unit includes a permit for a parking space. Attendees may reserve these units by paying a deposit of one night of the lodging unit cost for either three or four nights. Registrants may also pay the balance of their lodging cost up-front. We strongly urge attendees to make their deposit as early as possible while the selected unit is still available for the required number of nights.

Deposits for Chautauqua lodging will be refunded only if another registrant assumes the reservation for your unit and pays the appropriate deposit. This includes confirmed “shoulder” dates. Lodging registrants may request “shoulder dates” before or after the basic days of the Gathering, depending on the availability of those dates. This can be done by specifying the extra dates on the hard copy registration form or by designating the dates in the form below.  Shoulder days must be paid for at the time they are requested.

Attendees may pay by credit card using the dropdown payment boxes below, or by filling out the hard copy Lodging Reservation form (reverse side of the Registration Form) and mailing it with a check to:

The Antarctican Society, 35 Cherry Street Unit 701, Burlington, VT 05401

Final payment of the remaining balance is due by June 1, 2024. Deposits may be refunded provided the selected lodging unit is assumed by another attendee.

If you need assistance in completing payments, you can see a visual guide HERE. If you have questions or trouble with Chautauqua lodging registration, please contact antarctican.org.president@protonmail.com for personal assistance. 

Here is a list of the lodging units cost (per night, including taxes) and the number of units remaining available as of January 1, 2024:

$172.00 Columbine Lodge Studio (0 left, To be waitlisted in case of a cancellation, contact antarctican.org.president@protonmail.com)

$202.00 Columbine Lodge 1-Bedroom (0 left) - To be waitlisted in case of a cancellation, contact antarctican.org.president@protonmail.com )

$245.00 Studio Cottage (0 left - To be waitlisted in case of a cancellation, contact antarctican.org.president@protonmail.com)

$281.00 1-Bedroom Cottage (0 left To be waitlisted in case of a cancellation, contact antarctican.org.president@protonmail.com)

$351.00 2-Bedroom Cottage (0 left - To be waitlisted in case of a cancellation, contact antarctican.org.president@protonmail.com)

2024 Gathering Lodging - No lodging units currently available

Lodging registrants must choose either 3 or 4 nights of basic lodging during the Gathering by checking the appropriate box below. Click the “Submit” button at the end of the form when done to forward your information. We will contact you with confirmation information or to confer about shoulder dates. 

Note: In the form below, “(required)” means that a response is required for this item before the form is submitted.

Attendees may choose to arrange their own accommodation if desired or if the Chautauqua lodging units are filled. Please see the 2024 Gathering Planning Guide for a list of area hotels, motels and B&Bs. Note that there is no guaranteed parking on the Chautauqua campus for visitors. See the Gathering Planning Guide for more information on parking.

Gathering Donations

If you would like to make a donation to offset expenses for the 2024 Gathering, please click HERE. Thank you!